"Thanks to careful preparation and great commitment from ORBIT, Erste Group succeeded in winning an international VMW contract covering eight countries. As a result, the Group is able to benefit from IT products on much more favourable terms."
Roman Vocel, Head of IT, Erste Group
Erste Group & VMware License Management | ORBIT


  • Outsourced license management for 15 entities and 8 countries
  • Over 250 catalogue items
  • Guarantee of technical, licensing, legislative and administrative compliance
  • Reducing prices


Banking Group Erste Group purchases a huge number of VMware technology licenses. Managing their purchase is administratively demanding and places high demands on perfect knowledge of the manufacturer's licensing policy. Therefore, two years ago the company announced a tender for central delivery of VMware technologieswhich was won by ORBIT, which then succeeded in its intention to enter into a corporate ELA contract with the supplier. Now that the contract has expired, the Erste Group has launched a new tender for the ELA supplier, in which ORBIT was again successful.


During the six months of preparation, 15 entities in eight countries that are part of the banking group had to be carefully coordinated. The installed bases had to be clearly defined, including development plans and subsequent pricing. The result is a negotiated ELA contract extension, under which ORBIT coordinates the delivery and ensures complete VMware license management within the Erste Group.

For your client we are actively looking for potential savings in a license price list with more than 245 items. If an entity does not meet the contractual conditions for purchasing a license, we are intensively looking for ways to include it in the ELA. Often we are successful and achieve a price reduction.

We monitor the prices, movements and correct invoicing of licences, always according to internal banking standards and in compliance with the requirements of each national legislation. The cooperation with ORBIT has thus brought the Erste Group, in addition to significant financial savings Also Significant reduction of administrative burden.