Cloud Encyclopedia | ORBIT
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Cloud Encyclopedia: a quick guide to the cloud

Awareness of cloud services, their purpose, advantages and disadvantages is often superficial and fragmented in our region. That is why Cloud encyclopedia was created. A series of 17 articles from the ORBIT team, which will reliably introduce everyone to the area of cloud IT services. As ORBIT, we have been intensively involved in cloud services for years. We apply our...

Cloud Encyclopedia | ORBIT

Cloud Encyclopedia: a quick guide to the cloud

Awareness of cloud services, their purpose, advantages and disadvantages is often superficial and fragmented in our region. That's why Encyclopedia of Cloud was created - a series of articles by Orbit tribesmen that will reliably introduce anyone interested in the Czech market to the issues of cloud IT services. As ORBIT, we have been intensively involved in cloud services for years. In this modern technological aspect of our customers' IT lives, we apply our...

CTU & 3D Workplace or virtualization of CAD applications | ORBIT

CTU: How to secure 4000 workstations in one go?

The Faculty of Civil Engineering of CTU wanted to make graphically and computationally demanding applications available to its students wherever they are. Just two semesters later, thousands of future engineers could work on their projects day and night at school, at home, in the dorm or in the park. Read how we made it happen. ALL NEWS

Lukáš Klášterský | ORBIT

We're getting stronger. Lukáš Klášterský joins ORBIT

ORBIT (a member of SUDOP GROUP), an IT consulting and advisory company that deals with IT resource virtualization, data center consolidation, application delivery and cloud compliance consulting, has agreed to cooperate with Lukáš Klášterský, former Group CTO of Erste Group Governance and CIO of Česká pojišt'ovna. From his position as Digital Advisor Partner, Lukáš Klášterský will advise financial institutions on facilitating Cloud and digital technology adoption. ORBIT's main clients to date among financial institutions include Generali,...

Webinar home-office time | ORBIT

How to safely maximize the number of users in the home-office era?

So the home-office era is upon us. During this era, you've probably already experienced where the limits of a company's ability to provide a secure work-from-home experience for your colleagues lie. Do you need to push them? We know ways to securely and quickly connect co-workers remotely. And we know which solution to choose to tailor to your business. WHAT WILL WE SHOW YOU IN THE "HOME-OFFICE TIME" WEBINAR? WHEN THE "HOME-OFFICE TIME...

Cloud compliance webinar | ORBIT

Join the cloud compliance webinar on 31 March

As you may know, the Prague Cloud Computing in Practice 2020 conference is stuck in the clouds of cancelled events. The replacement date is still in the stars and, given the circumstances, we will not be able to meet in person. Therefore, we at ORBIT have decided to offer you participation in a webinar during which we will introduce the participants to the secrets of Cloud Compliance. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN DURING THE WEBINAR? WHO WILL GUIDE YOU THROUGH THE TOPIC? The best,...

Citrix Summit 2020 | ORBIT

News from Citrix Summit 2020: today trends and visions, tomorrow routine

We've been through it and we've got a lot on our minds. The Citrix Summit 2020 conference in Orlando, Florida, offered a generous helping of presentations on virtualization, networking technologies and cloud services. If you're involved in any of this, there are a few important insights you shouldn't miss. Vojtech Michálek and Lubos Fabera of ORBIT were honored by the organizers with a personal invitation to attend the two-day prelude to the Summit called PTEC (Partner Technical...

Cloud Forum 2019 | ORBIT

How was "Cloud Forum 2019: Myths and Facts"? Here are the facts

On November 20, it was said repeatedly: joining the Cloud requires the company to have the courage to undergo a certain cultural change. Because the club environment of Prague's JazzDock is conducive to cultural change, the first ORBIT Cloud Forum 2019 showed participants what it takes to muster the courage. CLOUD FORUM SPEAKERS Four speakers shared their know-how at the forum. Martin Gavanda (LinkedIn) with Vit Grossman (LinkedIn) from ORBIT pointed out...

It pays to be a Cloud company | ORBIT

Cloud: 5 scenarios where it pays for companies to enter it

There's no point in lying to your pocket. The cloud is not a magical place to solve problems. On the contrary, all the trouble you bring into it, the Cloud will multiply and expose vulnerabilities. The cloud is a journey. To heaven or hell. How do you know when joining the Cloud is profitable for your business? Cloud adoption usually represents a fundamental change and requires reform not only in IT: it forces you...