Reference and our satisfied clients

  • Raiffeisenbank: Automation of application deployment to AWS | ORBIT
  • What does (un)successful migration to AVD look like? | ORBIT
  • Fortuna: What did the datacentre audit reveal? | ORBIT
  • Merger of Raiffeisenbank & Equa bank | ORBIT
  • Tatra banka equipment to the cloud? Cloud strategy and roadmap | ORBIT
  • Česká spořitelna: Migration to Microsoft 365 from Google Workspace | ORBIT
  • Raiffeisenbank & Why was the migration to Microsoft O365 worth it? | ORBIT
  • Tatra banka & Disaster recovery tests with TaskControl | ORBIT
  • Zentiva & Data Migration within Office 365 | ORBIT
  • MONETA Money Bank & Resource Optimization in the Cloud | ORBIT