VDI infrastructure - surveillance | ORBIT

Who observes your VDI infrastructure? Invitation to workshop with live demo

Workshop: monitoring, analysis and troubleshooting of virtual platforms We have prepared a workshop focused on the introduction of the control system, to which we would like to invite you on behalf of ORBIT and ControlUP. We'll briefly introduce you to the new features and then we'll have an extensive live demonstration. What can a control system for...

ORBIT celebrates its 30th birthday

ORBIT celebrates its birthday: 30 years in IT and still with passion

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A lot was happening in 1991: the first website was published, the Šumava National Park was declared, Nirvana released the album Nevermind and the average gross monthly wage in the Czech Republic rose to CZK 3,792. BUT MAINLY: 14th May 1991, i.e. 10,957 days ago, the story of ORBIT began to be written. We have…